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Discover Hong Kong (Hong Kong and Macao)?

Hong Kong, Semi-Autonomous Region of China, is a meeting point between Western and Chinese Cultures. Victoria island and Kowloon cover most of this very busy place. Hong Kong (officially) has a different political and economic system than mainland China, but these differences have become smaller and smaller over the past few years.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong has a special status within Greater China, with its own currency, financial sector and market. Most people are well educated and bilingual.


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We work with Viator, GetYourGuide AND Klook who have agreements with day tour operators around the world, including in Hong Kong and Macao. Together they have approx. 70,000 day tours, activities, excursions, tour guides, boat tours, helicopter rides, cooking classes, etcetera that may interest you. We make searching their catalogues possible and easier on one simple page.

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