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Travel between Belgium & Hungary.

Visit destinations like Brussels, Antwerp, Gent (Belgium) & Budapest, Pecs, Szeged (Hungary).

Is Belgium the most European country within Europe? Probably Yes. Dutch-speaking Vlaanderen, French-speaking Wallonia, German-speaking Eastern Luttich and multi-lingual Bruxelles that acts as the unofficial capital of EU and NATO. Belgium is also known for it's delicious chocolate, 250 types of beer and patates frites. Don't miss Brugge/Gent, Antwerp or Leuven on your next trip either.

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We have 1 tour operators that conduct 1 multi-day cruises between Belgium and Hungary with duration 23 Days ab USD 4,603.00.

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☛ Croisi Europe... 1x River Cruise Ship

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Belgium, Hungary
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  • ship Ships (Vessels) (1)

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Springtime in Holland, the Romantic Rhine Valley and the Danube (port-to-port cruise) (Croisi Europe)
Google Map: Springtime in Holland, the Romantic Rhine Valley and the Danube (port-to-port cruise)

Springtime in Holland, the Romantic Rhine Valley and the Danube (port-to-port cruise)

Tour Type: Cruise From Antwerp to Budapest, discover the Netherlands, land of the tulips, mills and cheese. Through this cruise and its excursions, we invite you to discover the authentic Holland, with many canals and cities which have been classified as UNESCO World Herit...
Going From/To
Ports of call
Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Cologne, Rüdesheim, Mannheim, Strasbourg, Mainz, Frankfurt am Main, Würzburg, Schweinfurt, Bamberg, Nuremberg, Regensburg, Passau, Vienna, Budapest
MS L'Europe

Starting at

± USD 4,603.00

23 Days

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