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Ide Perjalanan, Tujuan dan Tip

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ToursOnTheWeb saat ini menampilkan sekitar 25.000 tujuan di seluruh dunia, termasuk kota, objek wisata, taman nasional, kuil, landmark, dan hal menarik lainnya. Kami membuat blog perjalanan yang mengelompokkan tujuan per wilayah atau per aktivitas, sehingga Anda dapat lebih mudah menemukan tur yang mengunjungi tempat-tempat tersebut.

Best of American National Parks

The USA have several national parks and reserves that are must-sees for Americans and foreigners. Especially the states of California, Utah and Arizona have parks unlike anything else. Some are deserts, others feature gigantic trees or caves. Nature in the USA, outside the main cities, is beautiful.

Best of Asia

Asia is the largest continent of all where 50% of the world population lives. It also has the largest variety of nature and wildlife anywhere. Nature must include the Himalaya Mountain Range, rice terraces, tropical forest with exotic flora and fauna and some of the best beaches in the world.

Best of Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand are for most of us far-away, down-under with opposite seasons. These countries are very western with a lot of Asian migrants. In general there is a lot of space with low population density. Travelling in a group or with your own car, campervan or mobile home is highly recommended.

Best of China

Tiongkok menawarkan pengalaman seumur hidup kepada setiap wisatawan, dengan daya tarik budaya yang tidak dapat ditemukan di mana pun. Ada lebih dari kota-kota besar seperti Beijing dan Shanghai. Beberapa pemandangan alam dan sawah benar-benar menakjubkan. Masakan Cina bervariasi dan sangat berbeda dengan masakan Cina asing.

Best of India

India disebut sebagai anak benua dengan sendirinya. Ini adalah negara terpadat di dunia dan menjamin pengalaman yang sangat mengesankan. Ini tidak hanya mencakup kuil Hindu dan kota-kota yang sangat tua, tetapi juga saree warna-warni, kari, harimau, dan jangkrik.

Best of North-America

North America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Greenland) is a large continent. Most American cities may look similar with high-rises and skyscrapers, but there are a few exceptions. When it comes to nature and wildlife, there is so much to see and look out for from mountains to hot springs, from polar bears to orcas.

Best of Scandinavia

Scandinavia in Northern Europe can consist of different countries, with or without Finland or the Baltic states. What they have in common is the climate, snow in winter and a low population density. Looking for nature and outdoor sports? You have come to the right place!

Best of South-America

South America is a great continent for nature and spectacle. It features the tropics, mountains, deserts, glaciers, flora, fauna and everything in between. Great cities, wines, music and Latin flair round up this great travel destination.

Best Safaris and National Parks in Africa

Africa is the continent for great safaris to see lions, elephants, rhinoceros, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests and gorillas in their natural environment. Most countries have national parks to protect them from people, agriculture and poaching. The great migration between Tanzania and Kenya is famous, but there is so much more.

Best Wine Regions in the world

Wine degustation, nice food and wellness are not-so-serious travel options. They fall under the categories "take it easy and relax", "luxury travel" and "simply enjoy life without stress". There is more to travel than sight-seeing, activities and exploring ancient cities day in, day out. A good glas of wine in a beautiful vineyard can be so rewarding.

Canada and The Great Outdoors

Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world and has only 40 million people. There is a lot of space between St. Johns (Newfoundland) and Vancouver (British Columbia). The Eastern part of the country, Ontario and Quebec, are especially beautiful during Indian Summer, where maple leaves turn green, yellow and red.

Danau Paling Menakjubkan di dunia

Danau adalah pemandangan alam yang disukai semua orang. Kami menggunakannya untuk memancing, olahraga air, serta bersantai dan sekadar menikmati pemandangan. Danau tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran, mulai dari danau gletser pegunungan kecil hingga Danau Besar besar di AS & Kanada, serta Danau Victoria di Afrika.

Escape the city, enjoy Island Life

The list of great islands is long, varying from places for adventure to comfortable, luxury honeymoon getaways. Some islands are remote and difficult to get to, others are so easy to reach that they may get overcrowded. Here is a list of the most famous islands (or major cities on them).

Harta Karun Agama Buddha

Agama Buddha telah menciptakan kuil-kuil yang indah untuk pengikut Siddhartha Gautama, Sang Buddha. Dia tinggal dan mengajar di Nepal dan India selama 80+ tahun kebijaksanaannya, namun ajaran, teori, dan pelajarannya ditulis di Sri Lanka. Agama Buddha ada terutama di Asia Timur.

Harta Karun Islam

Agama Islam telah menciptakan pemandangan menakjubkan dan tempat suci bagi umat Islam untuk beribadah. Sebagian besar kota terbuka dan dapat diakses oleh semua orang dari agama apa pun, dengan beberapa pengecualian yang hanya diperuntukkan bagi umat Islam. Berikut adalah beberapa masjid dan tempat ibadah paling indah untuk dikunjungi di seluruh dunia.

Harta Karun Kekristenan

Kekristenan telah menciptakan gereja dan katedral yang indah di seluruh dunia. Semuanya menyambut tamu internasional dari agama apa pun. Berikut beberapa tempat paling suci dan tujuan ziarah bagi umat Kristiani.

Kota Paling Romantis di Eropa

Eropa disebut benua tua. Ini memiliki beberapa kota yang sangat bagus, yang sangat berharga untuk dinikmati dan dinikmati bersama pasangan romantis Anda. Terlepas apakah Anda menyukai santapan mewah, bangunan tua dan alun-alun kota, pantai, opera dan festival musik, kartu pos atau selfie, Anda dapat menemukannya di sini.

Kota terbaik di Afrika

Afrika mungkin terkenal dengan satwa liar, hutan hujan, gurun, dan air terjun, namun ada juga beberapa kota tua yang sangat menarik dengan sejarah, arsitektur, istana, dan pasar rempah-rempah.

Liburan Bersepeda di Belanda dan Belgia

Belanda dan Belgia adalah negara yang bagus untuk liburan bersepeda dan hal ini disebabkan oleh tiga alasan utama: 1) negara-negara tersebut sebagian besar datar, 2) terdapat banyak jalur sepeda khusus yang aman, dan 3) terdapat banyak hal yang dapat dilihat dengan jarak antar tempat yang dekat. Satu-satunya kelemahan... bisa berangin.

Most Beautiful Rice Terraces in the world

Rice Terraces show tranquility and give you this feeling of Back to Nature, away from technology. Rice grows in many Asian countries. Depending on season they can appear like mirrors (reflecting lakes), green paradise or golden miracles.

Most Beautiful Waterfalls in the World

Some people tell us not to chase waterfalls! Why not? The beauty and sound of the river falling down a cliff, the water splashing creating rainbows, the amazing sights from above and the enormous power are very much worth the travel in summer and winter.

Mountains, Volcanoes and Trekking around the world

Mountainous regions exist around the world. Sometimes we may not be aware of the origins, whether it is a true mountain or a volcano, but impressive it always is. Only when we reach the top and we see a glacier, or a smelly volcanic lake, then we know for sure. Sights across the region can be impressive either way.

Terbaik dari Inggris Raya dan Irlandia

Bepergian ke Kepulauan Inggris dan Irlandia bisa sangat bermanfaat. Mencakup lima negara berbeda (Inggris, Skotlandia, Wales, Irlandia Utara, dan Irlandia) dengan budaya serupa tetapi aktivitas yang berbeda. Kebanyakan wisatawan akan mempertimbangkan lebih dari satu negara dan tidak hanya memilih London. Memang benar demikian.

Terbaik dari Pegunungan Alpen dan Eropa Tengah

Kawasan Pegunungan Alpen tersebar di beberapa negara di Eropa Tengah. Seperti halnya pegunungan mana pun, terutama di Eropa, terdapat banyak desa, puncak gunung, dan danau yang indah, semuanya sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi.

Travelling Iceland and Greenland

Iceland and Greenland are neighbouring, cold countries located in Northern Europe and North America. It is possible and could be convenient to visit both in one, longer trip covering some of the most amazing natural places in the world for example with a land-tour and a sea cruise.

Travelling the Iberian Peninsula

Iberia has two parts: Spain and Portugal. These countries are so much alike and still so different. In Spain many people speak Spanish only, but in Portugal English is also widely spoken. Maybe it has to do with TV, Radio and other media... Both are warm in climate, for people relationships and outdoor activities. For many reasons they get a lot of visitors and permanent migrants.

Wonders of the Civilised World

There are a lot of ancient and cultural wonders of the world that have been built by people. Some still exist and are in use, others are memories of the past and some are historical ruins. Most of them are still worth the visit, though some information on the background of the building is advised.

Wonders of the Natural World

There are still many places in the world with a large degree of unspoiled nature, lots of wildlife and great flora. Some of these Gardens of Eden are under threat by people, others are hidden or protected areas like national parks and UNESCO.

Yang terbaik dari Laut Mediterania

Mediterania mewakili banyak negara Eropa, Afrika, dan Timur Tengah. Mungkin sulit untuk melihat semuanya dalam satu perjalanan, namun berikut beberapa hal menariknya. Karena ini adalah Laut, kapal pesiar adalah pilihan bagus untuk mengunjungi wilayah ini.