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ToursOnTheWeb 目前提供全球约 25,000 个目的地,包括城市、景点、国家公园、寺庙、地标和其他亮点。 我们创建了旅游博客,按地区或按活动对目的地进行分组,以便您可以更轻松地找到参观这些地方的旅行团。

Best of Asia

Asia is the largest continent of all where 50% of the world population lives. It also has the largest variety of nature and wildlife anywhere. Nature must include the Himalaya Mountain Range, rice terraces, tropical forest with exotic flora and fauna and some of the best beaches in the world.

Best of Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand are for most of us far-away, down-under with opposite seasons. These countries are very western with a lot of Asian migrants. In general there is a lot of space with low population density. Travelling in a group or with your own car, campervan or mobile home is highly recommended.

Best of China

中国为任何旅行者提供终生难忘的体验,以及在任何地方都找不到的文化亮点。 不仅仅是像北京和上海这样的大城市。 有些风景和梯田确实令人惊叹。 中国菜种类繁多,与国外的中国菜有很大不同。

Best of India

印度本身被称为次大陆。 它是世界上人口最多的国家,保证给您带来难忘的经历。 这不仅包括印度教寺庙和非常古老的城市,还包括色彩缤纷的纱丽、咖喱、老虎和板球。

Best of North-America

North America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Greenland) is a large continent. Most American cities may look similar with high-rises and skyscrapers, but there are a few exceptions. When it comes to nature and wildlife, there is so much to see and look out for from mountains to hot springs, from polar bears to orcas.

Best of the Alps and Central Europe

The Alps Mountain Area spreads around several countries of Central Europe. As with any mountain range but especially in Europe, there are many beautiful villages, mountain peaks and lakes all very much worth visiting.

Best Safaris and National Parks in Africa

Africa is the continent for great safaris to see lions, elephants, rhinoceros, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests and gorillas in their natural environment. Most countries have national parks to protect them from people, agriculture and poaching. The great migration between Tanzania and Kenya is famous, but there is so much more.

Canada and The Great Outdoors

Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world and has only 40 million people. There is a lot of space between St. Johns (Newfoundland) and Vancouver (British Columbia). The Eastern part of the country, Ontario and Quebec, are especially beautiful during Indian Summer, where maple leaves turn green, yellow and red.

Escape the city, enjoy Island Life

The list of great islands is long, varying from places for adventure to comfortable, luxury honeymoon getaways. Some islands are remote and difficult to get to, others are so easy to reach that they may get overcrowded. Here is a list of the most famous islands (or major cities on them).

Mountains, Volcanoes and Trekking around the world

Mountainous regions exist around the world. Sometimes we may not be aware of the origins, whether it is a true mountain or a volcano, but impressive it is. Only when we make it to the top and we see a glacier, or a smelly volcanic lake, then we know for sure. Sights across the region can be impressive either way.

Travelling Iceland and Greenland

Iceland and Greenland are both cold countries, while Iceland is part of Europe and Greenland is part of North America. It is possible and could be convenient to visit both countries in one, longer trip covering some of the most amazing natural places in the world.

Travelling the Iberian Peninsula

Iberia has two parts: Spain and Portugal. They are so much alike and still so different. In Portugal many people speak Spanish only, but in Portugal English is also widely spoken. Maybe it has to do with TV, Radio and other media... Both are warm in climate and for people relationships. For many reasons they get a lot of visitors and permanent migrants.

Many Itineraries contain both countries, sometimes in combination with Morocco.

Treasures of Buddhism

Buddhism has created beautiful temples for followers of Siddhartha Gautama, Lord Buddha. He lived and taught in Nepal and India for all of his 80+ wise years, but his teachings, theories and lessons were written down in Sri Lanka. Buddhism exists mainly in Eastern Asia.

Treasures of Christianity

Christianity has created beautiful churches and cathedrals around the world. All are welcoming international guests of any religion. Here are some of the most sacred places and pilgrimage destinations for Christians.

Treasures of Islam

The Islam religion has created amazing sights and sacred places for its Muslim followers to practice. Most cities are open and accessible for everyone of any religion, with a few exceptions restricted to Muslims only. Here are some of the most incredibly beautiful mosques and places of worship to visit around the world.

Wonders of the Civilised World

There are a lot of ancient and cultural wonders of the world that have been built by people. Some still exist and are in use, others are memories of the past and some are historical ruins. Most of them are still worth the visit, though some information on the background of the building is advised.

Wonders of the Natural World

There are still many places in the world with a large degree of unspoiled nature, lots of wildlife and great flora. Some of these Gardens of Eden are under threat by people, others are hidden or protected areas like national parks and UNESCO.


品尝美酒、美食和健康并不是那么严肃的旅行选择。 它们属于“轻松放松”、“豪华旅行”和“无压力地享受生活”类别。 旅行的意义不仅仅是观光、活动和日复一日地探索古城。 在美丽的葡萄园里喝上一杯美酒真是太有意义了。


湖泊是每个人都喜欢的自然环境。 我们用它们钓鱼、水上运动以及放松和欣赏风景。 湖泊有各种大小,从小山冰川湖到美国和加拿大的五大湖以及非洲的维多利亚湖。


梯田展现出宁静,给您一种远离科技、回归自然的感觉。 许多亚洲国家都种植水稻。 根据季节的不同,它们可能看起来像镜子(反射湖泊)、绿色天堂或金色奇迹。


有人告诉我们不要追逐瀑布! 为什么不? 河流从悬崖上倾泻而下的美丽和声音、水花溅起的彩虹、令人惊叹的景色和巨大的力量都非常值得在夏季和冬季旅行。


南美洲是一片拥有自然风光和奇观的伟大大陆。 它以热带、山脉、沙漠、冰川、植物、动物以及介于两者之间的一切为特色。 伟大的城市、葡更加美好萄酒、音乐和拉丁风情使这个伟大的旅游目的地。


北欧的斯堪的纳维亚半岛可以由不同的国家组成,有或没有芬兰或波罗的海国家。 它们的共同点是气候、冬季下雪和人口密度低。 寻找大自然和户外运动? 你来对地方了!


欧洲被称为旧大陆。 它有一些非常伟大的城市,非常值得与您的浪漫伴侣一起享受和享受。 无论您喜欢美食、老建筑和城市广场、海滩、歌剧和音乐节、明信片还是自拍,您都可以在这里找到。


美国有几个国家公园和保护区,是美国人和外国人必去的地方。 尤其是加利福尼亚州、犹他州和亚利桑那州拥有与众不同的公园。 有些是沙漠,有些则有巨大的树木或洞穴。 美国主要城市以外的自然风光非常美丽。


去不列颠群岛和爱尔兰旅行会非常有意义。 涵盖五个不同的国家(英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰和爱尔兰),它们有着相似的文化,但有各种各样的活动。 大多数旅行者会考虑多个国家,而不仅仅是伦敦。 确实如此。

你仍然在欧洲,但不在欧洲大陆。 一些英国人确实看到了这里的巨大差异。 准备好迎接红色巴士、黑色出租车、炸鱼和薯条、寒冷的天气、大量的体育赛事、政治和皇家风暴了吗? 欢迎!

